What if our company has multiple locations?

Locations are ways to organize your branches/offices within Tidal Money. It also drives various business rules within the Request for Funds form and Property Files.

Within Locations, you can add associations to Funding Accounts, Teams, and Users. 

To create a Location, follow the steps below. 

  1. Click New 
  2. Enter the name of the Location 
  3. Enter the Location address * 
  4. If associating a funding account(s), click Add Funding Account and select the funding account(s) 
  5. If associating a team(s), click Add Teams and select the team(s) 
  6. If associating users, click Add Users and select the users. 
  7. Click Save 

When a Location is selected during approval for the funding requests, it will automatically default the Teams drop down. If more than one Team exists for a location, it will populate all teams in the drop down, though it will populate with the first team that is located. This may need to be changed prior to completing the approval of the request. 

When a Team is added to a location, all users for that Team will populate the User section. Users can be added to a location even if they are not part of any Teams associated with that location. For example, if you would like the receptionist for the location to be added to that location, they can be added as Users without being added to the team. 

*Please be sure to enter a complete address as this information will be used to prepopulate the location information on emails sent from Tidal Money regarding the submitting or receiving of funds.