How do we organize all of our users?

The Teams feature allow you to organize users within Tidal Money!

Teams consist of a single Team Lead and a set of Users. The common use case for creating a team is that the Team Lead would be equal to the Escrow Officer and the users would consist of their Escrow Assistants. 

A Team is used in various business logic for the Earnest Money Payments such as deriving the funding account for the payment and in order to notify team members when new requests are submitted. 

Within the Team, you can also associate Funding Accounts and Locations. 

To create a Team, follow the steps below. 

  1. Click New 
  2. Enter the Team Name 
  3. Select the Team Lead from all available users for your company 
  4. If associating a funding account(s)*, click Add Funding Account and select the funding account(s) 
  5. If associating a location(s), click Add Locations and select the location(s) 
  6. If associating users, click Add Users and select the users. 
  7. Click Save 

Team Leads must be unique across all Teams. Once a user is selected as a team lead, they will no longer be available to be selected on any additional teams. 

When an Earnest Money request is submitted, the Escrow Officer field on the form is populated from all available Team leads for that Title company. The funding account associated with the Team for that Team Lead is used when processing the Earnest Money Payment. 

*Only one funding account can be associated with a team at any given time.